hormonal balance vitamins

7 Important Vitamins and Supplements for Hormone Balance

You probably know all about vitamins. Such as Vitamin C for immunity and Vitamin D for strong bones. But what about vitamins' role in hormonal balance?
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You probably know all about vitamins. Such as Vitamin C for immunity and Vitamin D for strong bones. But what about vitamins' role in hormonal balance?

Hormonal balance and imbalance have become more common in conversation. Especially when women feel the side effects of a hormonal imbalance, such as mood swings, weight gain, and fatigue; while these things used to be thought of as a natural part of postpartum, breastfeeding, motherhood, and womanhood in general, many women are now putting a name to the uncomfortable symptoms they feel when their hormones are out of whack.

Along with identifying the possible cause of hormonal balance, many women are looking for ways to help their bodies return to harmony – naturally. This is where vitamins for hormonal imbalance come into the picture! Some vitamins and supplements can be excellent for regulating hormones and providing balance. In fact, this article rounds up the seven best vitamins and supplements to support your hormone health!

How Can Vitamins Influence Hormones?

Vitamins and minerals are what are known as micronutrients. These micronutrients are needed for bodily processes and functions, like cell growth and development. Alternatively, hormones are your body's chemical messengers. They help trigger certain processes in the body.

Your body needs nutrients for energy conversion, metabolism, enzyme function, and much more. Keeping your nutrient levels satisfied promotes overall health, which can affect hormone production and regulation. It is a closely linked cycle.

For example, hormones like those produced by your kidneys require certain micronutrient levels for adequate hormone production and conversion. In the case of your kidneys, they modify and activate vitamin D to trigger calcium uptake from the foods you eat to support bone health. Kidneys also are responsible for prostaglandins which rely on lipids. These substances stimulate an enzyme known as renin which is necessary for blood pressure control. Your hormonal balance can be disrupted without adequate nutrients for conversion and activation.

Some vitamins can even act as hormones. One study found that vitamin A "exhibits properties of skin hormones," which can help fight the effects of aging and prevent acne. 

As you can see, vitamins and hormones are closely linked, each one playing a vital role in the process of another.

hormone balance supplements

7 Supplements for Hormone Balance

Vitamins and herbs can be excellent natural tools to promote your body's hormonal balance. Because your hormones are affected by your lifestyle, environmental factors, and health conditions, adding supportive supplements to your diet can give you the extra boost you need to restore hormonal harmony.


Chasteberry, also known as Vitex, has been proven to increase luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and, subsequently, progesterone levels. LH is important because it triggers ovulation, increasing progesterone levels. Regular ovulation and monthly cycles are essential to hormonal health. Because chasteberry helps with period irregularities (including menopause), you may also notice a decrease in PMS symptoms, breast tenderness, sleep issues, hot flashes, and night sweats.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is often associated with healthy bones. Still, your thyroid also depends on vitamin D. The micronutrient is essential for producing thyroid hormones. It is also required for insulin regulation. You need vitamin D during pregnancy to support your growing baby and your needs. Too little vitamin D has been associated with gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Interestingly, low vitamin D levels are common in women of reproductive age. But this is one vitamin you don't want to have too little of!

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is still being researched, but it is thought to be linked to vitamin D, helping to support bone and skin health and brain function. A recent link found that it also plays a role in estrogen metabolism and works as an activator for the hormone that supports testosterone levels (osteocalcin) in men. As an estrogen metabolizer, it can help ensure that the hormone is properly processed and removed from the system, lessening estrogen dominance. For women in menopause, vitamin K2 can help decrease night sweats and insomnia while fortifying bones.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has long been touted as an excellent vitamin for skin health. But did you know it can also help with hormone health? It may help ease mood swings, stress, and depression. Those going through menopause will appreciate its hot flash soothing capabilities. Vitamin E is excellent for balancing the endocrine system and regulating hormones.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is another substance that is necessary for hormonal balance. Low levels of this vitamin are associated with an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, which can hamper fertility. Increasing your levels of Vitamin B6 often prevents estrogen dominance and increases progesterone, which is the optimal state for many women. It also aids your body in producing norepinephrine for stress management and serotonin, a mood regulator.


Different types of magnesium can aid your body in various ways, from reducing restless leg syndrome to improving heart health. Broadly speaking, it's an excellent fuel source for mitochondria, which produces steroid hormones. Supplementing with magnesium may result in regulating progesterone and normalizing how it interacts with your central nervous system, meaning fewer headaches, PMS, and perimenopause symptoms.


Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, may be able to combat mood swings, stress, and irritability. Studies have shown that this vitamin helps your body make certain sex hormones, like estrogen, in other body parts, such as your adrenal glands, instead of your ovaries. This results in balancing hormones, meaning fewer hormonal imbalance side effects.

Supplements for Hormonal Balance

How Can You Add These Vitamins to Your Diet?

Of course, obtaining vitamins from your diet is best. But in some cases, it can be challenging to get all the vitamins you need depending on the diversity of your diet and how often you find time to eat a well-rounded meal. So if you feel that your diet is lacking, hormone balance supplements with vitamins or micronutrients may be able to help!  

The best supplements for hormone balance contain various vitamins and minerals, often from plants. Osh Wellness Hormonal Balance and Mood Support is a well-rounded dietary addition backed by research and inspired by Ayurveda. When it comes to supplements to balance hormones, many women want something effortless to add to their routine, easily absorbed by the body, and beneficial to their health. Our supplement is all those things. 

Traditional herbs rich in nutrients, like Moringa, and soothing ancient adaptogens, such as Ashwagandha, support the many aspects of hormonal imbalance. For example, you can expect improved mood, better sleep, increased energy and clarity, and healthier skin and hair! It's the simplest part of a self-care routine for women of any age.

Horomonal Balance and Mood Support

Formulated by Ayurvedic experts and made with natural, ethically-sourced herbs to support hormonal health and mood.

Author Bio

Shruti is the founder of Osh Wellness. She is a professional plant-based chef from Natural Gourmet Institute, NY and a certified IIN health coach. She has been working with Ayurveda, food & nutrition for over 10 years and is also a fresh mom herself.

This article is not a medical advice and is not meant for every situation. Every woman's body is different and may respond differently to treatments or supplements. 

Shruti Mishra

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