Fertility Success Story

A Osh Wellness Fertility Success Story

Michelle is forty years old and a mother of two with one on the way. Getting pregnant closer to forty isn't always easy. Additionally, the mental and emotional side of pregnancy at age 35 and beyond can be complicated and overwhelming. However, for most couples, it is possible. Michelle and her husband are proof of that!

Michelle is forty years old and a mother of two with one on the way. Getting pregnant closer to forty isn't always easy. Additionally, the mental and emotional side of pregnancy at age 35 and beyond can be complicated and overwhelming. However, for most couples, it is possible. Michelle and her husband are proof of that! 

When you're trying to conceive, getting pregnant is a priority. However, Michelle and her husband knew they wanted to set themselves up for the healthiest possible pregnancy. So, they searched for a supplement that could support healthy sperm and egg development as well as top-up nutrient stores to support the healthy development of a baby. 

"I was looking for a product that would support egg quality as well as build up nutrient stores before going into pregnancy," stated Michelle.

Q & A with Michelle

What Osh Wellness Products did you take?

Michelle and her husband took Osh Wellness Fertility Support for Her and Him, respectively. 

When did you start taking them? 

They began taking the supplements 3 months before starting to try for their third child.


Did your husband take them? 

Yes! Osh Wellness has a separate formulation for men. Since it takes two to start a family, adding Fertility Capsules for Men into your partner's routine may help to improve sperm count and motility and reduce oxidative damage to developing sperm, promoting sperm quality.

How did being a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner influence your approach to conceiving and pregnancy?

I know how important mom’s nutrition levels at conception, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding impact both baby’s long-term health and how mom is able to recover. With 2 kids, a husband, and a full-time job, I wanted to continue to feel the best I could during pregnancy. Using the Osh Wellness products for both egg and sperm health before getting pregnant gave me the best chance at having a healthy baby, and continuing to focus on nutrition during my pregnancy will continue to set my baby up for life-long health.

Along with taking Osh Wellness Fertility Support, what are some other practices you engaged in to nurture your fertility and support overall health?

I focused a lot on nutrition and I also worked with an acupuncturist. To make sure my body was healthy enough to get pregnant, I did some blood work including a hormone panel. Everything looked good! I also worked with my acupuncturist to regulate my cycle before trying to conceive.

Speaking of nutrition and supplements, let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in Osh Wellness Fertility Support.

“Osh Wellness checked all the boxes"

Eventually, they found Osh Wellness Fertility Support for Her and for Him. "Osh Wellness checked all the boxes," continues Michelle, "it has CoQ10 to support egg quality, Ayurvedic herbs to support hormonal balance and a healthy cycle, and it contains vitamins and minerals." Osh Wellness blend of science-backed, Ayurvedic-inspired ingredients offers a holistic approach. Fertility-boosting substances like CoQ10 help encourage egg development and fight the damaging effects of oxidative stress and aging. Herbs, such as Shatavari, are rich in nutrients. Adequate nutrient stores before conceiving help to support a nourished womb that will soon be a healthy and harmonious environment for your baby. 

Michelle, a nutritionist, profoundly understands this and relies on it as one of her standards in finding a fertility supplement. "Did you know that the greatest needs for folate during pregnancy are in the first four weeks after conception? Your baby's neural tube is developing before you even know you're pregnant," states Michelle.

“Support pregnancy before you even know you're pregnant!"

Folate is just one of the essential nutrients for mothers-to-be. 


Folate is essential for any mother-to-be, helping prevent significant defects in a developing baby's brain and spine. You already have enough to worry about when you're trying to conceive over thirty-five. A well-rounded supplement like Osh Wellness Fertility for Her may be able to help relieve some of your worries about adequate nutrition. It was specially developed with methylated folate, which is more easily absorbed than folic acid. Michelle noted that it gave her the peace of mind that she was taking steps to "support pregnancy before you even know you're pregnant!"


Maca root has been shown to promote sperm health, motility, and count. In women, it has been found to promote hormonal balance and regular menstrual cycles. As an adaptogen, this potent herb can help the body fight oxidative stress, reducing damage to developing eggs or sperm. Plus, as a known aphrodisiac, Maca may be extra beneficial when TTC.


CoQ10 is excellent for sperm and egg health. It’s an antioxidant, decreasing the effects of oxidative stress on a cellular level. The supplement may help protect sperm and eggs as they are developing, promoting better quality eggs and sperm. For women 35+, CoQ10 may positively affect ovarian reserve, oocyte defects, and embryological parameters. However, women of any age may benefit from CoQ10’s ovarian reserve protecting qualities. 


Ashwagandha is a beloved Ayurvedic herb. It has been used for centuries to reduce the negative effects of stress and calm the body. A potent adaptation, Ashwagandha is excellent for those trying to conceive as this phase can be stressful and overwhelming. The herb may also help during conception and early pregnancy by increasing blood circulation which helps nourish the womb.


Smoother, Shorter, Successful

Osh Wellness Fertility Support for Her and for Him should be started one month prior to trying to conceive. Michelle and her husband began the supplements 3 months before they began trying to conceive to support sperm and egg health. As a result, they got pregnant naturally at almost forty after just one month of trying.

Our products aren't magic pills. However, they were developed by women for women, with an immense amount of thought put into their safety and efficacy. Powerful, science-backed ingredients tested over time through their use in Ayurveda are the foundation of our formulas. 

We then focused on incorporating them into a supplement that was effortless to take and easy on the stomach. Our fertility supplements, along with diet and lifestyle changes, as well as guidance from your doctor, may be able to make your fertility journey smoother and shorter. 

While there may be moments of worry during pregnancy over thirty-five, we hope you continue to have faith that you will be able to conceive naturally and go on to carry and deliver a healthy baby. We're honored to be a part of success stories like Michelle's!