Freshly Moms Valentines Day Gift Ideas

The one thing moms want the most this Valentine’s Day

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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and it sure looks different as a mom! I vaguely remember how it used to be in yesteryears… spending weeks shopping around for the perfect outfit and the trendiest gift, and looking for the fanciest restaurant. Hours were spent on getting dressed. Roses were exchanged. Tiramisu was a constant feature. As were prosecco, short dresses, stilettos, romantic candle-lit dinners and fancy gifts. Ah, how times change!

This year, I have an additional valentine to care for. The dresses and heels will be replaced with more practical attire that is suitable for nursing and heavy lifting. The romantic night out will most likely be replaced with a romantic night in, depending on what time the little one sleeps and how he’s been that day. In fact, it’s more likely that Valentine’s Day will be observed two days later, at lunchtime on Saturday. No need for candles that way, they can remain tucked away in a forgotten drawer, safe from prying little hands. Gifts will be more sensible – practical items that are within budget. A new travel coffee mug for the husband. A new diaper bag for me – a backpack that keeps things secure as I run around after my little walker.

Nidhi with her little valentine

But what do I really want this Valentine’s Day?

In all honestly, I would love for my mom to fly down just for a day. She would play mom to my eleven-month-old boy, and I would sleep in. I’d sleep some more and then enjoy an uninterrupted conversation with my husband, before rushing back home to check on my baby. That’s right, I would choose sleep over a fancy purse, shiny jewelry or romantic weekend escape to Italy.

And apparently, I’m not alone!

I spoke to several moms with young babies and the feeling is unanimous. Sleep, spas and special time with husbands top the list. There’s nothing like having a young baby to make you appreciate the little things in life that you used to take for granted earlier.

Here’s what some of the other moms shared.

I would love some time alone for just us - dinner or a night away. We both are very busy with work and the kids. I feel like it’s hard for us to just connect and relax! A nap would be amazing too, and pizza!

Cheryl, with her four-year old Alessandra and one year-old Mateo

A spa day with a back massage. Because someone needs to attend to my needs now!

- Anisha with her ten month old baby girl and husband

A night away without the kids. We live far away from our families (grandparents, aunts), so we don't really have any additional support system. It would be great to arrange for someone to keep the kids for a night and for my husband and me to go, spend a night in a hotel in the city, and just be among adults for one night.It would surely give my brain a break.

- Lidia with her three daughters aged 2, 4 and 6

Every Valentines, my husband and I look forward to dining at the same place we eat at every year: Red Lobster! Not exactly the most romantic restaurant, but boy, do we look forward to those endless, delicious biscuits! This year, we look forward to taking our little boy with us for the first time. After dinner, we plan to play video games all night (or as long as our son allows us to play) and buy the Nintendo Wii U Super Mario Smash Brothers :)
That's our idea of a romantic Valentines! But hey, I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to a nice, relaxing spa day where I can be pampered head to toe. Just layin’ it out there!”

- Janice with her 2-month-old son and husband

I would love to get a day off from everything! There is no time for me to be just myself with 2 kids so I would love even just a few hours for doing nothing but something I love!

- Yurie with her two-year-old daughter and eight-month-old son
What do you want for Valentine’s Day this year? Share your wishes and desires with us on Instagram (@freshlymoms) with #loveoshwellness for the chance to wish a special surprise. Consider it our way of pampering you and offering a little support in your daily hustle.

Posted by Nidhi Chimnani

Nidhi is a fresh mom who has lived in over 8 countries and has experienced several cultures closely. She was editor-in-chief of an established magazine for several years. She currently lives in Dubai and writes a blog about her experience with baby stuff. See her blog here.