healing after miscarriage

Healing After Miscarriage - An Ayurvedic Approach

Miscarriage is an unfortunate event that overwhelms your mind and body. What we need to heal both inside and out is to provide our body with the necessary support in the form of nourishing foods, cleansing remedies, meditation, and devotion.
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Miscarriage is an unfortunate event that overwhelms your mind and body. What we need to heal both inside and out is to provide our body with necessary support in the form of nourishing foods, cleansing remedies tried and tested for centuries, meditation, and devotion. Ayurveda stresses the cleansing of the mind along with the cleansing of the body. If you give your mind the time and devotion required, you will be emotionally and physically prepared for your next cycle.

Restore, Replenish, and Rejuvenate

If you are reading this article you have likely experienced a terrible loss. You are part of a club of women you never asked to join. A miscarriage is earth-shattering and heart-wrenching. 

You are probably searching for answers about what to do now. Know that you are not alone. And, that while the physical pain may fade and the heartbreak may ease, a miscarriage is nothing to gloss over. Your emotions are valid.  

Saying goodbye to someone you never met takes a toll on your mental wellbeing. You don’t want to rush the healing process. Give yourself grace and as difficult as it can be afford yourself time.  

Aside from an emotional standpoint, a miscarriage also has a profound impact on your body. Your body has just been through trauma and will need gentle care in order to heal.  

You can recover. To restore your body and mind there are practices, foods, and remedies you can use to help the process.

Physical Recovery Post-Miscarriage

During a miscarriage, your hormones will begin to fall after a sharp rise when your body was preparing for pregnancy. You may have noticed physical changes, like breast tenderness and nausea. It may take some time for these symptoms to fade. 

The uterus will also need to empty. Sometimes this is handled naturally while in other cases it requires medical assistance. No matter which route you choose, the uterus experiences some level of trauma. 

Your uterus needs to clean itself so that your menstrual cycle can start again. You will likely experience bleeding and cramping similar to a period. Depending on what stage your miscarriage occurred in, bleeding may be heavier and last longer. 

During this time, when your body is cleansing itself, there are a few things you should do.

Restorative Rest

A miscarriage is a birth, though not the one you intended. This means you may have a postpartum experience of sorts. Headaches, sweats, and weakness may all be present. A miscarriage can come with significant blood loss. You must take time to rest. 

Don’t hurry back to your normal activities. Nap when you can lay down when you can, and even simply sit. You may not want to lift heavy objects or carry your older children. Seek help for household chores and strenuous activities. 

It might come as a surprise that the six weeks of restrictions that follow a birth can be applied to a miscarriage; be sure to speak with your midwife or doctor about limitations to your activities.

Nourishing Foods

To heal and restore its nutrient levels, you need to feed your body nourishing foods. Many of these foods are similar to what you would eat to promote fertility, sustain a healthy pregnancy, and even support your body postpartum. 

Well-balanced, nutrient-dense, clean, and simple foods are best. Protein, either from plant sources or bone broths can help your body refuel. Nut butter, chia seeds, lentils, and tofu are excellent sources of protein that will help replenish iron levels and ward off anaemia. 

Fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in Vitamin C, can help prevent infection while your uterus heals. Leafy greens, citrus fruits, and colorful plant sources contain various vitamins and minerals. 

Fats are a wonderful way to restore your energy. Healthy fats can also help your body absorb nutrients better. Opt for flaxseeds, walnuts, ghee, and coconut oil. Comfort foods like dark chocolate or coconut milk are excellent choices for your body and mind. 

Refrain from inflammatory foods, like sugars, red meats, and dairy. Your body is already inflamed and doesn’t need further irritation. Remember, your diet doesn’t have to be complicated. A variety of unprocessed and nutrient-dense foods is best.

Ayurvedic - Post Miscarriage Support

Nourishing herbs and vitamins can help your body restore hormonal balance, rebalance the uterus, and reduce anxiety. Osh Wellness Pre-Conception Cleanse is made by experts to help prepare you again for a healthy pregnancy.

Herbs to Calm and Balance

Your reproductive tract has just gone through a major ordeal. During this postpartum time, it needs to be rebalanced and restored. Ayurvedic rejuvenation can help reset your system so it is prepared to conceive again.

Dashamoola tea, known as “the ten roots”, is a herbal powerhouse. Excellent for soothing inflammation, rebalancing Vata, easing digestive issues, and boosting your immune system, this tea is a beneficial addition to your diet. 

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. It helps the body deal with the negative effects of stress. Ashwagandha can help you sleep, increase your stamina, and promote a sense of calm. Making a tea or tonic is a nice way to help your body and mind relax.  

Shatavari is an effective herb for women, especially after a miscarriage. It has anti-oxytocin properties that can calm uterine contractions and reduce cramping. Shatavari has also been linked to mood stabilization, nourishment of the reproductive organs, and strengthening fertility for when you are ready to try again.  

Shatavari in milk with a teaspoon of honey is soothing and nourishing. You can also blend Shatavari into a glass of pomegranate juice for an added dose of antioxidants.

Red raspberry leaf tea is commonly consumed during the last few months of pregnancy, but it is helpful during a miscarriage too. It can help tone the uterus. This is needed to prepare your body for the next cycle and another chance to conceive. 

Chasteberry extract is commonly sought for PMS symptoms and can assist with many of the similar symptoms experienced during a miscarriage. It is thought to reduce prolactin levels, which helps to regulate other hormones like estrogen and progesterone. This rebalancing can alleviate breast tenderness, depressed mood, migraines, and irritability.

emotional recovery after miscarriage

Emotional Recovery Post Miscarriage

Your physical and emotional state go hand in hand. This is true for fertility, pregnancy, and miscarriage. It isn’t wise to try and conceive again before you are emotionally ready. To boost your chances of fertility and healthy pregnancy, you need to be in a balanced state. 

Grieving the miscarriage is important, though not everyone grieves in the same way. You may feel everything from devastated to disappointment. It takes time to heal, give yourself grace. 

Remember that your partner is feeling the loss too. Creating a safe space for you and your partner to share your feelings and support one another is a good practice. Other women also like to journal, talk with others, and reach out to a medical professional. 

Meditation and gentle movement can help with the mind-body connection. Providing you with an opportunity to focus on your emotions and work through releasing them. Stretch and breathe as you move through the stages of grief; try easy walks, yoga, or even tai chi. 

The supplements mentioned above, like ashwagandha and Shatavari, can help with balancing your emotions. Calming teas and gentle massages with oils or tonics made from the supplements can be a beneficial way to receive their adaptogenic properties through a soothing experience. 

There is no right way to process your feelings after such a shocking event like a miscarriage. Experts do know that making time to manage depression and anxiety after a pregnancy loss can help benefit you during fertility and future pregnancies.

Take Time to Restore

While you may never feel completely normal again, you can restore your wholeness. Take care with your body and mind, making space to work through your emotions and rejuvenate your physical health. By devoting the time now, you will be better prepared emotionally and physically when you are ready to try again. 

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Shruti Mishra

Author: Shruti Mishra

Shruti is the founder of Osh Wellness. She is a certified nutritionist and a professional plant-based chef from Natural Gourmet Institute, NY. She has worked with Ayurveda, food & nutrition for over 15 years.

This article is not medical advice and is not meant for every situation. Every person's body is different and may respond differently to treatments or supplements.