Having a baby who refuse breastfeeding or won't stay latched on and cries may leave you feeling like the worst mother in the world. Postpartum, the idea of holding your little one close and contentedly nursing can quickly turn into a nightmare of a screaming, red-faced infant who refuses to touch your breasts. It's hard not to take it personally when your baby is still wailing despite your best efforts to feed them, leaving you in tears once again.
If your baby only stops crying when breastfeeding, it's understandable that you may feel trapped and overwhelmed by the situation. You may find yourself searching for answers and turning to lactation products like lactation supplement drink mixes or lactation drinks to help improve your milk supply and make breastfeeding easier.
Part of what makes the whole thing so perplexing is that it's difficult to understand why your infant dislikes nursing. Because newborns can't tell us what's wrong (wouldn't it be great if they could?), we have to figure it out for ourselves. If you're struggling with breastfeeding, know that you're not alone, and there are resources and support available to help you and your baby through this challenging time.
Why do babies fuss or reject the breast?
Babies can fuss or reject the breast for a variety of reasons, including:
1. Hunger:
If a baby is very hungry, it may become agitated and fussy, making it difficult for them to latch on to the breast.
2. Tiredness:
If a baby is overtired, it may have a hard time staying awake and alert enough to nurse.
3. Discomfort:
A baby may fuss or reject the breast if they are uncomfortable due to a dirty diaper, tight clothing, or an uncomfortable position while nursing.
4. Teething:
When a baby is teething, they may experience pain and discomfort in their mouth, making it difficult for them to nurse.
5. Illness:
If a baby is sick or has an infection, they may be less interested in nursing or may have difficulty latching on due to congestion or a sore throat.
6. Mom's milk supply:
If a mother's milk supply is low or not coming in yet, the baby may fuss or reject the breast because they are not getting enough milk.
7. Mom's diet:
Certain foods or drinks that a mother consumes may cause discomfort or an upset stomach in the baby, leading to fussiness or rejection of the breast.
Parents need to pay attention to their baby's cues and try to identify the reason for fussiness or rejection of the breast. If the issue persists, seeking guidance from a pediatrician or lactation consultant can be helpful.
You have ample time
Parents may worry that if their baby does not nurse properly, or at all, in the first few hours, days, or weeks after delivery, they will never be able to breastfeed. However, the feeding reflexes that keep newborns seeking and clinging to the breast remain for at least two to three months after birth, and nursing can begin at any time during this period.
Breastfeeding in the first hour after delivery is ideal, but it's not the only opportunity for newborns to begin nursing. Parents need to understand that breastfeeding is almost always an option when there is milk and that many babies start nursing before the age of three months, and some even after being placed for adoption by a nursing mother who breastfeeds them.
If you're struggling with breastfeeding, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and that it's important to seek support and guidance from a lactation consultant or other healthcare provider. Don't hesitate to try different techniques, positions, and products like lactation drinks, lactation supplement drink mixes, or other lactation products to help improve your breastfeeding experience. With patience, persistence, and support, many breastfeeding challenges can be overcome.

First let’s focus on this
Breastfeeding problems can be overwhelming, but it's important to prioritize and focus on the most urgent issues. After you make sure the baby is fed, via donor milk or formula, focus on maintaining your supply. Because a fed baby should be the priority. If your goal is to have a full milk supply, then increasing milk production should be your next priority, even if that means supplementing with donated breast milk or formula for the time being.
If your baby is not breastfeeding effectively, expressing milk can provide nourishment and stimulate milk production for the future. Engorgement, which can cause discomfort and swelling of the breasts, is a normal occurrence around 2-4 days after birth and should be treated promptly to keep the milk flowing well and maintain breast comfort. By prioritizing and addressing urgent issues first, you can make the most efficient use of your time and energy.
Persistence is key
Don't worry if your baby refuses to breastfeed. Likely, your baby has not yet given up breastfeeding if he or she has been breastfeeding for a year or less. Here are some things you can try:
If you are experiencing challenges with breastfeeding, there are several strategies you can try to improve the experience for both you and your baby. For instance, if your baby only stops crying when breastfeeding, you can keep offering your breast to your baby when they show signs of hunger or sleepiness and after waking up. However, if your baby refuses to breastfeed, you may need to take a break if they become frustrated and try again later. In such a case, you can also experiment with different breastfeeding positions to find the most comfortable one for your baby.
To maintain your milk supply and prevent plugged ducts or engorgement, you can express your milk regularly by pumping or hand expression at the times your baby would normally nurse, and feed it to your baby. You can also consider using lactation products such as lactation support to support milk production.
It's also important to give your baby plenty of love and comfort through cuddles and skin-to-skin contact, especially during the postpartum period. Additionally, finding a calm and quiet spot to breastfeed, away from distractions like the TV or bright lights, can help create a relaxing environment.
If your baby refuses breastfeeding and won't stay latched on and cries, it may be helpful to consult with your baby's doctor to rule out any medical causes for their refusal to breastfeed and to seek advice. Nevertheless, keeping to a regular routine can provide stability for your baby, and by trying these techniques and seeking guidance if needed, you can work towards successful breastfeeding with your baby.
Hang in there
You’ve got this! And with the help of Organic Lactation and Postpartum Capsules by Osh Wellness, you can get the extra support you need during this challenging phase. These capsules contain clean and powerful ingredients that work together to provide energy, healing, balance, and nourishment to postpartum mothers, helping them maintain breastmilk supply and recover post-birth.
The natural lactation support in these capsules is powered by proven galactagogues like Moringa Leaf, Blessed Thistle, and Fennel, which not only enhance milk production but also provide a rich source of nutrients to boost your energy and vitality.
But that's not all! These capsules also support all aspects of postpartum health. Powerful herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Raspberry Leaf encourage hormonal balance, cell rebuilding, and adequate energy levels, which are crucial for a smooth postpartum recovery.
So, whether you're struggling with a low milk supply or just need an extra boost during this time, Organic Lactation and Postpartum Capsules by Osh Wellness are here to support you. Give them a try and feel the difference!